From Maiden to Mother
October 4, 2024 November 1, 2024

Total # of Classes

Class length
120 minutes

The transition from maiden into motherhood is deeply spiritual and often overlooked. We spend months getting ready for the physical birth, making sure that the baby's room will be ready and the supply cart is stocked. But once baby comes, women quickly realize that there is something more than what they prepared for. 

The portal of birth brings into deeper alignment with our purpose in life, whether we are ready for it or not. It is catalyzing and often unforgiving. Sleepless nights often bring you into a realm that doesn’t quite feel like the world that you knew before. 

From Maiden to Mother is a ceremonial container that will transition you from your maidenhood; a young, free, and innocent time in your life, into the Mother that is well resourced, grounded, and guides the family in the direction they need to go. 

This is for women who:

  • Feel like they have lost their identity and want to get to know who they are outside of mothering

  • Are touched out and need some time to nurture themselves 

  • Feel like they have been thrusted into a new way of being when they weren’t ready to say goodbye to the past

  • Are overwhelmed and need some personal time 

In ceremony, we will work with 3 distinct archetypes;

The Great Mother - unconditional love and compassion 

Creator, Destroyer, Preserver - the power of creation and destruction 

Goddess of Love - beautifying everything around you 

Archetypes are a way of seeing ourselves so we can better understand what we desire and are a catalyst for personal growth. Each in person gathering will be a 2hr temple ceremony where we will become intimate with each archetype by way of getting to know ourselves better. 

In between the in-person meetings we will have a community call to check and I will provide guidance with anything that has come up as we put what was learned into action at home. 

In Person Ceremony Dates:

October 4

October 18

November 1

Virtual Community Calls

October 10

October 24

November 7

Your Temple Guide: Ellie McMillan

I am a Priestess and certified temple guide who guides women through transitions in life; whether it be from becoming a mother to reconnecting to their sacred and sensual self, my focus is to create spaces where women can gather and tune in to their feminine energy. 

This is open to all women who have birthed children or not but are called through the portal from being a maiden into motherhood.

The class takes place on...

  • October 4 at 7:00 pm (Friday)
  • October 18 at 7:00 pm (Friday)
  • November 1 at 7:00 pm (Friday)


From Maiden to Mother (Ticket)



Plus GST: C$12.50

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